Camden, Maine
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In downtown
Camden, Maine
Megunticook River runs
through it, cascading into the
Penobscot Bay,
creating brackish
water on its downhill journey to the salty seas. John Hugh,
who is the owner of
Bayview Lobster Restaurant and a
lobsterman, sees Chuck photographing the lobster on his plate
and strikes-up a conversation. During their lively interaction,
when John is teaching him how
Down Easterners
boil live lobster,
Chuck wonders if he prefers the newer
metal cages or the older
ones. John relates an incident of how he would be dead had
he been using the metal ones. While tossing traps out in 3000-foot
of icy waters his shirt gets snagged and he is yanked off the ship.
Because wooden traps float for a precious few seconds before
rocketing to the ocean floor (a half-mile below), John has the
moment he needs for catching his breath, freeing himself and
breaking the surface for air. On the other hand, metal traps
do not hesitate, plunging instantly-- thousands of feet in just
a few seconds, like being hooked by a runaway, diving
elevator gone mad.
An open-air, soft-shell lobster
dinner here on the docks costs around $15.
(Click Picture to Enlarge)